New Hampshire Fish and Game
Many thanks go out to the true professionals at the New Hampshire Fish and Game department for their support every year for a safe and successful ice fishing derby.
Meredith Police Department
The Meredith Police Department provides a wide range of public safety services each year to keep the ice fishing derby safe and secure.
Minuteman Press
As a new partner to us, the talented team at Minuteman Press has been highly supportive and responsive. They provide design talent for the derby brochure, posters, and other printing needs along with the mass mailing of the ice fishing derby brochure
Body Covers
For the Ice Fishing Derby, the Meredith Rotary Club has worked closely with Body Covers in Laconia to design, print and deliver various styles and colors of tee-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and koozi cup holders. All merchandise will be available for purchase at Derby Headquarters in Meredith, beginning the Friday of Derby Weekend.
Meredith Station Mobil
The team at Meredith Station Mobil has done an outstanding job over the years providing catering for the Great Meredith Ice Fishing Derby volunteers throughout the weekend.
Verrill Trucking and Excavation
Verrill’s Trucking & Excavation has been a proud supporter, providing heavy equipment and manpower to transport our trailers and equipment to and from Derby headquarters in Hesky Park each year.
Meredith Village Savings Bank
The Meredith Village Savings Bank has been a long-time friend and supporter of the Derby. Our original trailer was a donation from the bank and served us well for many years.
Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
The Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness uses all unclaimed Derby fish to feed otters, bears, eagles and other animals at the Center throughout the winter. On Sunday afternoon a team from the Center picks up all the frozen fish and takes them to the Center where are transformed into delectable treats: The osprey really love perch and the otters love “troutsicles.” Click on the link to the left to visit their site.